What is REACH Compliance?
A REACH Certificate of Compliance is a document certifying that a product is compliant with the EU REACH regulation (EC) No 1907/2006. It can be a testing report or statement issued by a third-party testing organization. It could also be a self-declaration.
REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. It entered into force on 1 June 2007.
How Does REACH Work?
REACH establishes procedures for collecting and assessing information on the properties and hazards of substances.
Companies need to register their substances and to do this they need to work together with other companies who are registering the same substance.
Is REACH Compliance Mandatory?
REACH Compliance is only mandatory on products produced in or shipped into the European Union (EU) and member countries. However, since many other jurisdictions have similar or pending legislation and manufacturers’ products may eventually find their way into the EU, REACH Compliance is having a global effect.